

Equipment & Loan Details

What type of Loan

Business Information


2nd Owner (Optional)

3nd Owner (Optional)

THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT IMPLY A BINDING AGREEMENT FOR FINANCING FROM DIRECT CREDIT FINANCING By completing and submitting this Application, the undersigned confirms the accuracy and veracity of all provided information and grants authorization to Direct Credit Financing to obtain necessary data from third-party sources, including the Applicant's financial institution, to evaluate this Application. By signing below, the undersigned individual(s), acting as either the principal or guarantor for the Applicant, consents to Direct Credit Financing, its representatives, or potential assignees accessing their personal credit report from a national credit bureau for the purpose of assessing this Application, as well as for any subsequent credit updates, renewals, or extensions, and for the collection of any resulting debts. I authorize the release of all pertinent deposit, loan, financial, and trade data to Direct Credit Financing via telephone or fax. A photocopy or facsimile of this authorization is considered as valid as the original document. Please be advised that in accordance with anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering regulations, the information provided may be subject to verification for identity confirmation purposes.